Weekly learning round up 🌎🌿✨

Week of July 11th

Carina Yu
2 min readJul 19, 2022

1. Akira, Princess Momonoke and the death of God

I watched both majestic films in a row and can’t help but draw similarities.

Akira was described as God — an omnipotent energy that flowed through the big bang to current humanity

But later in series, Akira was revealed to be a boy who gains superhuman power through a series of inhuman government experiments.

His existence is reduced to spinal tissues in test tubes by the military to contain his power

In Princess Momonoke, the forest God dictates life and death. But the invention of guns empowered the ambitious to behead the God and take the forest.

Not sure if it’s the creator’s intention or not, but both series made me reflect on the lost of magic in the age of science

miracles or fear of the divine are now being dissected, studied, magnified and distilled into knowledge blocks

2. The concept of Cyberocracy

Cyberocracy is a form of the state rule based on the effective use of information and built according to the principle that every citizen has an access to a network that gives him a lot of advantages.

Fundamental feature of cyberocracy is an instantaneous important information transfer from a source of problem to the people that can decide the problem. It will come true by means of the computer programs able to recognize and sort information.

For example, if there is a fire somewhere, firefighters get to know about it instantly, etc. People at cyberocracy accept the minimum participating in state management and are responsible only for the most important decisions and deal with the most unusual problems. The beginning of such system is modern centralized databases and governmental networks. An instantaneous exchange gives economic advantages information due to a greater operationability and less of errors.

Next steps: look for existing use cases of cyberocracy, I loosely remember the Chilean government practicing this before and failed miserably.

